Here are the following applicants, and the positions they are seeking, for the consideration of our State Committee members from Rockingham County at our January 8th meeting:
- Chair – S. “Ravi” Ravikumar
- Vice – Janet Huttula, Peter Torosian
- Treasurer – Bill Smith
- Secretary – Cynthia Finn
- Ass’t sec – Pam Skinner
- Area 1 – Denise Katz
- Area 2 – Eric Crawford
- Area 3 – John O’Blenis, Thad Riley
The State Committee members will select one person for each seat. Anticipate that a slate for the uncontested seats will be put forward first. And from there, we’ll hold an election for, and hear from, the candidates seeking the contested Vice Chair and Area 3 seats.
Our meeting is at 6 p.m. at the Hilton Auditorium at Rockingham County Nursing Home, North Road, Brentwood. Credentialing runs from 5:30 to 6 for State Committee members. Please park behind the building and enter at the door furthest to the right in the back.